The intricacies of child custody agreements are different for every couple, but there are some basic rights established by the Texas state family code that are automatically granted to parents. Although these rights may be revoked by the courts through punitive court decisions, they are otherwise protected by law. In fact, violations of these rights may be grounds for legal action on behalf of the wronged parent.
Rights for Custodial Parents
Under Texas law, there are certain rights that custodial parents are entitled to at all times. These rights include the following:
- The right to receive information about the child’s health, education, and welfare
- The right to discuss decisions regarding the child’s health, education, and welfare
- The right to attend school functions and consult with teachers
- The right to access the child’s medical and educational records
- The right to consult with a doctor about the child
- The right to make decisions about the child during an emergency
- The right to be officially listed as an emergency contact for the child
- The right to be treated as a parent in the child’s estate
If one parent isn’t granted these rights due to obstructive behaviors on the other custodial parent’s behalf, a custody claim may be filed to enforce these rights.
Contact Us
If you’ve had your custody rights violated by your child’s other custodial parent, there may be legal options available to enforce these rights in court. For more information about how we can help you through this process, contact a knowledgeable lawyer from Diggs & Sadler today by calling (713) 766-5355.