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Video FAQs
- Am I legally separated?
- Is temporary spousal support available in Texas during a divorce?
- Can I get alimony in a Texas divorce?
- Can my spouse and I use the same attorney to get a divorce?
- How long do I have to live in Texas to get divorced in Texas?
- How soon can I remarry after I get divorced?
- Can I delete my social media account during my divorce case?
- My spouse is disabled. Can I divorce them?
- My spouse maxed out credit cards that are in both our names. Do I have to pay them?
- Prior to filing divorce, can I move my paycheck to a different deposit bank account?
- Can I get custody of my pet?
- What is a divorce or custody parenting class?
- Can I file for divorce if my spouse is deployed?
- My ex-spouse failed to pay a credit card debt they were ordered to pay, what can I do?
- My spouse verbally abuses me. What can I do about this in a divorce case?
- Can I use social media during my divorce?
- Does Texas have alimony, and how does it work?
- Can my text messages and emails be used in my divorce?
- Can I put a tracking device on my spouse's car?
- How are employee benefits affected by divorce?
- Is it legal to track my spouse through their smartphone?
- What do I do if I don't know anything about my spouse's finances in divorce?
- Will I have to testify during my divorce?
- Can I still receive social security benefits under my former spouse after divorce?
- If my accounts and car are in my name, do I get to keep them in the divorce?
- Can I go through my spouse's phone or computer?
- What is mediation?
- Can I get a Texas divorce if my spouse lives in another state?
- Can I get divorced if I am pregnant?
- My spouse is spending money on a girlfriend or boyfriend. Can I get that money back?
- I want a divorce. Can I cancel my spouse's credit card?
- I don't work; can my spouse be ordered to pay my bills until the divorce is final?
- I am a public figure, but I want a private divorce, is that possible?
- Do I need a forensic accountant for my divorce?
- Can I date during my divorce?
- Can I travel outside the United States with my child after a divorce?
- Investment Accounts and Accountant Tracing in Divorce
- What are my legal options if my spouse is hiding money?
- What do I need to know about LGBTQ+ divorce?
- Will my premarital agreement stand up?
- I filed for divorce Can I take my spouse off my insurance?
- I've heard Texas is a community property state. What does that mean?
- Should I file for divorce before my spouse does?
- How soon can I modify my divorce decree?
- Was I served with divorce or custody papers?
- Can I use donor sperm to get pregnant before I get divorced?
- How does a forensic accounting expert help in a divorce?
Child Custody
- Can a grandparent get custody of his or her grandchildren?
- In a Texas case, can a child decide which parent to live with?
- What is the difference between joint, sole, and possessory conservatorship?
- Can I keep my former spouse from moving away with our children after divorce?
- How does conservatorship differ from custody in Texas?
- Can the divorce court order a parent to take a drug test?
- What circumstances would necessitate a Non-standard Possession Order?
- Do judges favor mothers over fathers for custody?
- Do I have to take a drug test if CPS asks me to take one?
- Do I have to talk to CPS if they contact me?
- My spouse says I don't make any money, so I can't win custody. Is that true?
- Can a parent's rights be terminated?
- What if my custody order isn't working?
- What is an expanded standard possession order in child custody/visitation?
- Can a dad get custody of his children?
- Can I travel to Mexico or Europe with my child even if the other parent doesn't approve?
- What are the standard holidays in a Standard Possession Order?
- What happens if Monday or Friday is a holiday?
- Does a Standard Possession Order apply to children under the age of three?
- What is custody?
- Who gets to claim the kids on their taxes after a divorce?
- If my spouse has supervised visitation, who will supervise?
- Can I get a visitation or custody order that addresses Jewish holiday visitation?
- How do I get more visitation?
- My husband says he will win custody and I'll never see the kids again Can that happen?
- What is a standard possession order in a custody case?
- Can I get custody of my sibling?
- How do I change my child's name or birth certificate?
- I want to give my ADHD child Focalin. The other parent says no. Can I?
- Do both parents have to agree on a child's IEP (Individualized Education Program)?
- Do I have to take the kids to activities the other parent planned during my visitation?
- What are temporary orders in divorce or custody?
Child Support
- Can I enforce child support ordered by another state?
- Do I pay more for child support if I have a higher income?
- Does the other parent have to pay for occupational therapy?
- Does the other parent have to pay for physical therapy?
- I lost my job. Can I change my child support?
- Can I get additional child support because my child has special needs?
- Can I get child support when my child is over 18?
- Can a parent be ordered to pay for private school tuition in addition to child support?
- Does the other parent have to pay for ABA therapy?
- Who pays for the child's college after divorce?
- What is guideline child support?
- How do I lower my child support?
- My ex isn't paying child support. What can I do?
- Who pays health, dental, vision insurance for kids after divorce?
- Does the other parent have to pay for private school?
- Does the other parent have to pay for speech therapy?
- What percentage of my income do I have to pay for child support?
- How does the payment of health insurance reduce the amount of child support?
- Do I have to pay child support when I have visitation with my children in the summer?
- Can I pay child support as a percentage instead of a fixed dollar amount?
- Can I get more child support in Texas if my order is from another state?
Asset Division
- My spouse and I own a family business. What happens if we divorce?
- How is community property divided in Texas?
- Can I keep my wedding or engagement ring after we break up?
- How can I get my spouse's name off the mortgage?
- How can I keep my spouse from getting my income in divorce?
- How do I prove that cash and securities are separate property in divorce?
- I don't want to get divorced, but I want to divide my property. What can I do?
- My bank account is in my sole name, is it my property in divorce?
- How are trusts and inherited assets handled in a divorce?
- I obtained my ex-husband's and my frozen embryos in the divorce. Can I still use them?
- Can I modify my property division after my divorce?
International Divorce
- Can I take the children back to my home country without my spouse's agreement?
- What happens if I'm a dependent spouse of an L-1 or L-2 visa holder after I get divorced?
- I am not a citizen, but my spouse filed for divorce. What now?
- I am not a citizen. Can I file for divorce?
- Where do I file for divorce if I live in one country and my spouse lives in another?
- What will happen to my dependent visa upon divorce?
- I am a foreign national, how will a Texas divorce affect me?
Family Law
- Can I fight my prenuptial agreement?
- Can I legally change my name?
- Can I file for modification if I am not a resident of Texas?
- How can I appeal a ruling?
- What documents do I need to bring to my initial consultation with my attorney?
- How do I change my name after divorce?
- How does a prenup or marital property agreement work?
- I am over the age of 18. Can I still be adopted?
- Do I have rights to a child if I raised the child as my own but did not adopt?
- I am disabled but I earn too much money for Medicaid. Is there a way to fix this?
- What if I am asked to sign a prenuptial agreement?
- What is the difference between a prenuptial and a postnuptial agreement?
- Am I common-law married?
- Do I need a prenup?
- What is covered in a postnuptial agreement?
- LGBTQ+ Family Law
Employment Law
- Are Investigations About Employee Complaints Legally Required?
- Can a business enforce a non-compete agreement?
- Does the NLRA apply to a non-union company?
- Can my business employ children?
- What law applies to the wages that a company pays employees?
- What does an employer need to know about arbitration?
- Does an employer have to give time off to an employee for jury duty?
- What is ban the box?
- Can a business discipline an employee who legally consumes marijuana and tests positive?
- What is the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act?
- What is the ADA?
- What is FMLA?
- Can a business pay an employee less than minimum wage?
- Does the FLSA Require Paid Employee Vacations, Holidays, Etc?
- Is an employer required to pay employees for vacation and holidays?
- Can a business require an employee to sign an arbitration agreement?
- Can I record my employees' phone calls without telling them?
- What is the difference between an independent contractor and an employee?
- What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
- What is Title VII?
- When is an employer required to pay overtime pay for hours worked?
- Can an employer record conversations in the workplace?
- Is there such a thing as same sex sexual harassment?
- What is the EEOC?
- What is OSHA?
- Can a business have a policy of mandatory retirement at a certain age?
- What is the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act?
- What is the ADEA?
- Is a company required to pay employees who receive a salary for overtime?
- What does at-will employment mean in Texas?
- Can I require my employees to sign a non-compete agreement?
- Can an employer make an employee take a polygraph test?
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