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What is the difference between joint, sole, and possessory conservatorship?

In every single case that involves children, the Court has to address certain matters. One of those matters is conservatorship. In conservatorship is determined by the rights and duties fees granted to each parent. The rights and duties are listed in the Texas Family Code, but some major ones are designating where the children primarily live, consulting to any invasive medical, dental or surgical procedures, consenting to any psychiatric or psychological treatment of the child, receiving child support, and designating where the child will actually attend school, and when it comes to joint managing conservatorship, that means that both parents are sharing these rights and duties. However, when it comes to sole managing conservatorship, that means that only one of the parents is granted the rights and duties and the other parent will be named possessory conservative.

When a parent is named possessory conservator, they are not granted any rights and duties, but they will generally be awarded possession and access and visitation with the children.