Meet Tesha Peeples
I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to help people. I wanted to see what people's problems were and help come up with creative solutions that really could help them going forward. There are always going to be problems that people encounter that they need legal help for, and it's our job to help come up with creative solutions that really help get them through that. And here at the firm, I think we do a really good job of meeting our client where they need to be met, meeting them, addressing their problems, and really getting to the root of what their legal issue is.
There's not a perfect solution to any case, but there are creative solutions to every case. And being able to figure out what those are really drive me in, what I do every single day. Our job is to tell our clients story in court, or if you don't make it all the way to court in mediation. And in order to tell your client story, you really have to get to know them. You have to be there with them face to face, learning about what they're going through and helping them through that. And by getting getting to know our clients in such an intimate way, it helps us to be able to tell their story in a meaningful way and in a way that really matters and helps them resolve their issue at the end of the day.
Who We Are